Sunday 6 June 2010

Most 40+ Tools And Tips For Flickr Lovers

flickr-logo Flickr is one of the most popular image hosts with many tools from both Flickr staff and third party. Today, my feed was hit by three new items for Flickr, and my friends tell me to leave Picasa for Flickr so that I am into figuring out what others say about Flickr and so surpringly to find many cool stuff about this great image host (and even a social network).

Flickr vs Picasa Web Albums - Which is Better Place for Sharing Digital Pictures: The two most popular photo sharing services are Yahoo’s Flickr and Picasa Web Albums, which is owned by Google. We’ll dig deeper into each of the services to help you choose the right one for your job....

How to embed a Flickr slideshow in your blog: There's a lot of ways to get your Flickr photos onto a web page or blog post, but few are as clean and elegant as Flickr's own slideshow player. Wouldn't it be nice if you could embed that player in your blog? Ah, but of course you can! Paul Stamatiou shows you how, but since the HTML got a little mangled in his post I'll just repost it here...

Map Flickr photos with Google Earth: I'm very happy to hear about the first Google Earth add-on from Dan at Geobloggers, who writes in with a new service which displays the 50 closest Flickr photos near a place you're viewing using Google Earth....

Top 10 Hacks on Flickr: One of the nice things about Flickr is that because of their open API a whole host of developers have built more and more interesting things to do with the site. It’s interesting to me today that so many of the ways that I use Flickr are not even through the site as designed by Yahoo, but instead through the work of outside developers who are constantly creating new and interesting ways to experience the site. Today I thought I’d share what I think are the top 10 Hacks on Flickr....

Retrieve Original Size Of Any Flickr Photo: Flickr users have the option to turn off the show “All Sizes” option when uploading photos to the popular image hoster. This can have the effect that the original size of the photo that has been uploaded to Flickr is not available for viewing and download. \n The api on the other hand does not care about those restrictions and provides access to the original photo as well and that’s what the Get Flickr script over at Techroam is utilizing....

Publish Photos to Flickr from your Nokia Phone: Did you know that it is possible to upload pictures from your Nokia N series phone to your Flickr account ? A lot of Nokia N series mobile phones are supported and many have the Flickr application build in. Among the supported phones are the N73 editions, the N80, N93 and the N95....

How-to: easily geotag your Flickr photos: I'm labelling this Not Safe For Work because it could quickly bring all semblance of productivity to a grinding halt (hmm, I'm sensing a theme in my posts lately -- I'm hereby starting a GND (Getting Nothing Done) movement to balance out the GTD movement). Now that Greasemonkey is solidly back in effect, you can all too easily start geotagging your life by combining your Flickr photos with Google Maps via the magic that is

How to avoid saving spaceball.gif at Flickr: Some images at Flickr are weakly protected with an image overlay called spaceball.gif. Whenever you right-click the image to save it you do save spaceball.gif instead which is a 1×1 pixel image showing nothing at all. The same happens if you try to drag the image to your desktop or hard drive....

How to Download Locked or Restricted Images from Photo websites like Flickr: If a Flickr user does not want his photos easily available for download, he can set a corresponding access setting in Flickr. If we try to download or save the picture, it then automatically displays the transparent file “spaceball.gif” instead of the photo. You can easily overcome this setting and download any blocked, restricted or locked photos from any website using the following trick in Firefox. ...

Flickr photo download: How to save those beautiful images: Here I will show you how to use the features of Firefox to take back the web and control your own resources, by allowing you to download the photo's with ease....

Easier Way To Download Protected Photos At Flickr: All you need to do is make use of the Page Info menu that can be accessed by right-clicking on the page with the image. Page Info has a media tab that lists all media files on that page including, yes you guessed that one right, the image that is being displayed on that page....

Flickr Guide: How to Do Everything with Flickr: List of questions and answers about Flickr...

7 Alternatives to Flickr: Before we talk about what the alternatives to Flickr are, let’s first consider what flickr does for us. Flickr is great for sharing photos for free. It’s definately the biggest photo sharing community on the web....

FlickrStorm: better search for Flickr, including Creative Commons: Flickr is an awesome site, a world changer that you’ve got to love, but it’s got some shortcomings. Many people have tried improving on the search function of the site and the newest effort is particularly nice. Gregor Hochmuth’s FlickrStorm is smooth to use and very handy for saving batches of photos you find via Flickr....

Flickr Uploadr: It will let you select photos, add titles, tags and descriptions, create sets and set privacy data. You’ll also be able to drag your photos into the order in which you want them to appear. It’s been noted that this new version release may not include geoprivacy, or auto-title options based on your file name....

Turn your Flickr into a Photoshop with Preloadr!: Preloadr is a free image tool (web based), that connects you with your flickr account and lets you design your photos before or after you upload them to your flickr account....

Collagr Generates Collages from Flickr Photos: Collagr is a web based application that creates collages from photos uploaded to Flickr and Photobucket. ...

Mount Flickr as a Drive with Flickrfs: Flickrfs makes uploading to, downloading from, and organizing a Flickr account just like handling files in a mounted file system. After installing and setting up the link to your account, you can see all your photos separated into tag folders, edit and back up the pics and their metadata, and crop and resize photos on the fly, all reflected in realtime in your online account. The tool works mostly through your native file browser and the command line, but the program's author has created a visual desktop Flickr organizer that links into his app. Flickrfs is a free download for Linux systems only; Step-by-step instructions on setting up the dependencies and the program itself available at the project's home page....

Stay In Touch With Your Old Flickr Photos With Photojojo’s Time Capsule: Here comes a nice tool whose job is to surprise you with those old Flickr photos and help you cherish those forgotten moments again. It’s known as Photojojo’s Time Capsule. It automatically emails you with those old photos in your Flickr account....

Search and download from Flickr using zFlick: The ever so popular Adobe Air platform has given us a lot of useful apps, but few as tastefully done and as handy as this one. zFlick is an application which enables you to search for photos on Flickr, view them, and astonishingly enough, download them via drag and drop....

123Flickr Quickly Generates Photo Gallery Widget: 123Flickr is a new gallery creator that generates code for you to insert a FlickrFlickr reviews[image: Flickr reviews] gallery into your website or social networking profile. Note that this is not a Flickr-created tool, but one developed by a third party....

16 Flickr Search Tools That Are Fun to Use: The choice is really great but somehow using the built-in search platform is by far less exciting than taking advantage of numerous external tools that search Flickr creatively...

View Pictures from Flickr or Picasa Web Albums As a Flash Gallery: Pviewer (Photo Gallery viewer) is Flash based, looks extremely sleek and best of all, you get a common “paginated” interface for both Flickr and Picasa pictures....

Have many Flickr pictures to download? Try Flickr Mass Downloader: If you've ever had your hard drive fail, you've dealt with the ordeal of trying to recover and find all your old files, notably your images. Enter FlickrDown, a utility that allows you to download images from Flickr quickly and easily. FlickrDown is only for Windows at this time and requires .Net 2.0 to be installed....

Flickery - The “iPhoto” For Flickr: Eternal Storms has released a public beta of flickery, an OS X (Leopard only) client for flickr. It bring a great deal of iPhoto-like functionality to your account in the way it displays photos and enables you to tag & group your collection. You can also browse, view and comment on pictures of your friends or upload and manage your own photos and favorites, all from a clean and simple interface. You can also perform minimal editing functions pre-upload along with the option to e-mail your images via Apple Mail and even download them....

10 Useful Firefox Extensions For Flickr: Everyone’s favorite photo-sharing web application, Flickr, has had tons of ancillary applications and user scripts developed for it to tweak, mod and add to its functionality. So in this post we have gathered a 10 firefox extension for flickr will help with everything from navigation to uploading, accessing Flickr in countries that block the service and much more....

Flickr To Twitter Poster: Flickr2Twitter (Flickr To Twitter) is an experimental Firefox add-on that get rids of the copying, pasting and manual opening of the Twitter homepage. It adds a button to every photo page on Flickr that makes it is possible to post the photo to Twitter. A click on the button will automatically load the Twitter homepage in a new tab in the Firefox web browser. If the user is already logged in it will automatically paste the url of the Flickr photo into the status update form leaving the last step of submitting the message to Twitter to the user....

Flickr Photo Compass (Greasemonkey): Greasemonkey script Flickr Photo Compass takes your geotagged photos and maps out up to 8 other nearby photos on a compass....

Add camera images to Flickr Greasemonkey script: Javascripter Paul Bausch releases a Greasemonkey user script that displays the camera used to shoot Flickr photos, with a link to more information on the camera model at Amazon....

Tickr for Flickr 1.1 (v7) (Mac): Tickr for Flickr scrolls images down the coveted space on the right-hand side of your desktop, until flickr runs out of images to show you which match the tags you've specified. As you can point to the images with your mouse, you can see the title of the image, the tags which people have given the image, and the original image's size in pixels. If you double-click the image, its flickr page will open in your web browser.Version 1.1 focuses a little more on user customization and the position of tickr's window is now configurable....

Get Original Size of Any Flickr Photo- GetFlickr: When uploading photos to Flickr there is option to turn off different sizes of photos. The disadvantage with this is that when you download the photos, it will not be of actual size. Get Flickr is a simple script which gets the URL of the photo with its actual size. It allow you to retrieve original photos from Flickr using the public API....

Backup And Download Flickr Photos in Bulk (Windows): Now let’s take a look at Downloadr. It can help us download flickr photos in bulk and backup our entire Flickr account. I started by downloading a tiny 20KB file called Updatr (you just have to love the naming convention right!?!?). Copy this file to a new directory, run Updatr and it will download the newest version of Downloadr....

Flickr Wallpaper Rotator : The Flickr Wallpaper Rotator automatically downloads images from Flickr and sets them as your PC's desktop wallpaper....

Flump Exports Flickr Photos to Your Desktop: Free Adobe AIR application Flump downloads all the photos from a user-specified Flickr account to your hard drive. It's a simple one-use application: You provide it with a Flickr ID or username, tell it where to save the photos, and click Start Flump. We've highlighted similar tools before, namely FlickrDown and Flickr AutoDownloadr, but Flump is the only cross-platform offering, and it's also the most no-nonsense app of the bunch—perfect for backing up all your Flickr pics on a new computer. Flump is free, works wherever Adobe AIR does....

Download Flickr Photos / Images to Computer with FlickrDown: Flickr, one of the most cherished photo sharing sites on the Net offers a program called “Flickr Uploadr” for users to upload their photos in bulk. Sadly, they don’t offer any bulk download photos to enable users to save all those beautiful pictures inside their computer. Thankfully, the curious mind of Greggman had successfully created FlickrDown, a freely distributed program that allow end-users to download Flickr photos / images to their own computer....

DestroyFlickr - An Amazing Flickr AIR App: DestroyFlickr is a new application that was built for beauty and functionality. DestroyFlickr does its magic by giving you a whole new way of exploring Flickr images. The user interface is absolutely beautiful, with its dark neutral backgrounds, you can view pictures in a new amazing way....

The Great Flickr Tools Collection: Looking for Flickr Tools, hacks and services for a powerful photo sharing experience? Flickr is a revolution in photo storage, sharing and organization , making image management an easy, natural and collaborative process. Get comments, notes, and tags on your photos, post to any blog, share and chat live and more! Flickr claims to be the best online image management and photo sharing application....

Backing up Flickr photos with Amazon S3: People are slowly but surely figuring out what S3, Amazon's new "Simple Storage Service," is good for. Blogger and developer Matt Croydon has written a quick (25 lines!) Python script that automatically backs up his photos from Flickr to S3. Cool. "After uploading 160 or so photos to Amazon, Croydon writes, "I owe them about a penny." I think that putting raw resources like storage, bandwidth, and infrastructure behind a professional-grade API for bargain-basement prices as Amazon has done is brilliant, and is going to spawn a lot of fascinating projects in the near future....

Upgrade Flickr with the Better Flickr Firefox extension: Everyone's favorite photo-sharing web application, Flickr, has had tons of ancillary applications and user scripts developed for it to tweak, mod and add to its functionality. Dozens of Greasemonkey user scripts have popped up that make Flickr better; so in the spirit of Better Gmail I've rolled a few of my favorites into a new Firefox extension called Better Flickr. After the jump, check out Better Flickr's features and grab the download....

60+ Tools To Enhance Your Flickr Experience: If you’re a Flickr regular user like us, we believe you can explore Flickr in a better way with below quality tools which based on Flickr API. Here’s 60+ tools to enhance your Flickr experience....

Sync Photos to Flickr with FlickrSync: Free, open source application FlickrSync monitors any image folders of your choosing and syncs their contents to your Flickr account. We showed you a simple command line method for automatic Flickr uploads, but FlickrSync brings an entirely new level of functionality to keeping desktop folders in sync with your Flickr account—allowing you to do things like match folders to Flickr sets and create new sets for new folders....

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