Sunday 6 June 2010

SmoothDraw - A Great Hybrid Between MS Paint And Photoshop

SmoothDraw - icon MS Paint seems so simple and it’s just for your kids while Photoshop is too difficult and it is for geeks. So which graphic editor is just right for you? If you like drawing and want some image processing from Photoshop, SmoothDraw is a good choice. It’s a kind of hybrid between Paint and Photoshop. You can draw with many brushes, paint with beautiful colors, add effects like blur, sharpen etc. and working with layers.

SmoothDraw About
SmoothDraw - About
Tools: select a right tool first
SmoothDraw - Tool types
Tool panel: then choose the correct one you like to use
SmoothDraw - Tool panel
Tool properties: and the last is to customize the properties of that tool before applying to the picture
SmoothDraw - Tool properties
Color palette: and don’t forget to choose a beautiful color
SmoothDraw - Color Pallete
Zoom: SmoothDraw can zoom upto 8X
SmoothDraw - Zoom
Layers: with layers, you can manipulate the picture easier than just one flat image.
SmoothDraw - Layers
Effects: mix up your image with effects provided by SmoothDraw
SmoothDraw - Effects
Input files: you can open many popular graphic formats
SmoothDraw - Input files
Outpust files: and save the processed image as many common graphic formats as well. SmoothDraw - Output files

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