Sunday, 6 June 2010

Top And Best Of File Search Utilities For Desktop

File Search Utility10After the war on the Internet, search engines now have another war on computer. There are more and more file search utilities for computer which gradually replace the old and ineffective Windows default search engine. These are list of the fastest file search utilities.


Locate32 is one of the fastest search utilities for files and content in files in Windows. Once at the first run, Locate32 creates a file database and then updated regularly to reflect the changes to your computer.


File Finder

File Finder is a really fast and easy to use file search utility. You can use File Finder to locate files quickly with its efficient interface. Besides, you can use File Finder as a portable application because it is very small and no need to install before running.

File Finder

Google Desktop Search

Google Desktop Search is a file search utility from Google - the king of web search engines. You can also add many add-ons to Google Desktop to mix up your desktop.

Google Desktop Search

Yahoo! Desktop Search

From my experience, Yahoo! Desktop Search is the fastest file search utility even it is not developed by Yahoo! any more. You can search files, photos, email, word, excel files, etc. via tabs on the top of the screen while Google Desktop Search show the results in a page on the default browser.

Yahoo! Desktop Search


Everything is my favorite file search utility for my computer. The install file is really small, and the indexing process is very fast. In fact, I don't know whether it indexes my computer or not, because it is very fast. As the name say, you can use Everything to search everything on your computer.


Super Finder

Super Finder is a powerful file search utility which can replace the default Windows search. Super Finder helps you to search files, folders and data easily and efficiently with the very easy-to-use interface.

Super Finder

DK Finder

DK Finder is a free utility for searching files in Windows. At the first run, DK Finder must create an index file in order to do its task well. The process may take a while and relies on the number of files and folders of your computer. It may be a long period, but then you will be surprised at the speed of file searching.

DK Finder

Index Your Files

Index Your Files is another of the fastest file search utilities out there. As the name says, all your files on your computer will be re-indexed again in the most efficient and fastest way to access for searching. There's no need to install Index Your Files because it is small and portable.

Index Your Files

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