Sunday, 6 June 2010

Track Clicks On Your Blog In Heat Map Using ClickHeat

ClickHeat You can track how visitors click on your site right in Google Analytics report. But it’s quite tedious since you can only see the number of click next to the links. In order to get a graph report, ClickHeat offers you a more attractive way to track.

ClickHeat will take a snapshot of your entire page and generate the report about clicks. The place where visitors click more will appear in more red while the others are in more blue.

You then can use the ClickHeat report to design a better template or change the way you place ads. It’s so important because there are no identical blogs (you can copy the idea of placing ads from other bloggers) and to figure out which is the best place to put ads, taking experiment is a must.

More about ClickHeat, read ClickHeat – Get a HeatMap of Clicks on your Site.

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much about for suggesting about this option. After learning about its use I also wanted to try it on my blog. I will try it using the link you have posted.
    heat map
