Sunday 6 June 2010

Two Ways To Enhance Your Comment Process

One of the obstacles that make people not leaving comments on a blog is that they have to type same thing repeatedly such as name, website, and password. I am really a lazy blogger, so yesterday I spent whole day on finding ways to make it quicker to leave a comment. Here is what I obtain after hours asking Google, downloading, installing and testing.


EasyComment is absolutely a small add-on for Firefox (6.6kb) which helps you to fill in these text fields in most comment forms automatically. After installing, a new command will appear on the right bottom of Firefox window.

You now have to set up stuff of EasyComment which will be used to fill in the textboxes of a comment form like name, email, website. Right click on the command and choose Preference. Then you fill your name, email, website in the dialog:

Now, when you want to leave a comment, just click on the command and EasyComment will automatically fill in the text fields for you. You just have to type your own message and click submit to finish the comment process.


However, EasyComment doesn't work well with all blogs such as Blogspot or Typepad… Here is the plan B: MemoKeys.

MemoKeys allows you to create hotkeys like F1 + 1 or F2 + 2 and associates them with any text you already set up before. You can use it to store passwords, addresses, code snippets, favorites, names, email signatures, documents and shell commands. Then instead of typing the same thing every time, you just press the hotkeys you set up before, the text will be inserted automatically.

Here is the basic usage of MemoKeys:

After installing MemoKeys, Right click on the icon in the system tray > Manage shortcuts.
  • First, choose the Control Key (F1 to F12)
  • Next, choose the Second key (A to Z, 0 to 9).
  • Then, type the text in the textbox below.
  • Finally, click on Set.
Once you finished setting up your own hotkeys and texts, you can now use them for commenting on blog. In the comment form of a blog, click in the textbox then press your own hotkeys, and the text will be inserted automatically.

Note: some hotkeys of other software doesn't work properly when MemoKeys is running. Such as F1 in Firefox (open the tab help of Firefox) or F2 in MindMap (edit the text of a node). And MemoKeys can’t work with Opera while on Firefox, IE, K-Meleon, Flock, Safari everything is OK.

These are two ways to make comment become quicker for you both assiduous and lazy bloggers. You can also save times instead of typing same thing many times by using MemoKeys. It can work with any software application, including word processors, email programs, web forms and any other window that accepts text input.

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