Hi first of all i wanna say thank you to my friend the owner ofgigglecomputer.com for give me opportunities as the co writer on gigglecomputer, i was really proud of it.. ok enough for that, now we wannatalk about 10 CoolestFuturistic Design Concept, all this design concept has agreat feature and their worth to be listed as the best design conceptever.. OK let's start
first of all we got Mamoru (elder-care bot)

This robot was specially designed for an old people, the purpose ofthis gadget was to look after the old people in their home.. and tobecoming their friend, this robot can be used as a reminder for the oldpeople drugs time. you can read more about this mamoru in LovingThe Machines
Sony PSP2 Concept

this gadget is like a normal PSP, but more better than it's ancestor..just imagine you can roll the screen and there's a built in speaker onit's edge... by rolling the screen it can be easier to put this gadgeton your pocket. Read more about this product on Yankodesign
Nokia Concept OLED Laptop

Same with above, but this is a laptop, this product from nokia areclaimed only use a low energy consumption and this gadget also includemany great feature.. read it more on giz4geeks
iBangle : iPOD bracelet

iPod with Bracelet shape, use a touchpad as the navigation menu like ona laptop, and for it also equipped with wireless earphone technology.read it more on dvice
Cook Top Vesta

A efficiently Simple Electric Heater for someone who lived on theapartment. you can read it more on Yankodesign
Flatshare Fridge

This is a cool refiregerator for they who live together on apartment oron a broad house, you can use one storage room for yourself and let theother rooms to your friends..
E-Ball : Future PC

With only 6 inch diameter, E-Ball was claimed as the smallest PC in theworld (but i think there's another PC concept which are worth to beclaimed as the smallest one, that's a pen PC you can see the pictureon) with the ball shape, a mini projector and laser keyboard.. read itmore on dvice
Backpack Bicycle

Now you don't need to worry that someone will stole your bicycle, thisthings was designed with plastic material, so the weight of this thingwas only 5.5kg.. this bicycle was great for a traveller.. Read it moreabout it on tuvie

Like the usual shirt basket, but this one was equipped with air-refreshsystem for deodorize the bad smell from the shirt, beside that, ibasketcan also used as automatic washmachine if the capacity was reach thespecial weight, and moreover, ibasket can send an SMS to you to informif your shirt was clean.. hmmm... interesting.. this is a great household invention. Read it more on Pocket-lint
Free Wind : Smart AirConditioner

Free wind use a smart system fan to enable the orientation of air flowto change based with the user needs.. really cool.. look at the picturebelow that describing the function of free wind
Thanks for reading.. see you on other post
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