Sunday, 6 June 2010

Search For Torrents Right On Desktop Using Torrent Magnifier

Torrent Magnifier Searching for things right on desktop might be a trend these days. You might know about Ginipic which allows you to search images from various image sources on Internet. In case you are a torrent ninja and also want a search engine like that, you will find Torrent Magnifier what you need.

Once the keyword entered into the search box, it automatically searches for the associated torrents from multiple torrent sites including Piratebay, Mininova, BTjunkie. Found torrents will be displayed in a neat list, and they are ordered by the number of seeders (the number every torrent fan must see before starting leeching). Then, simply click the Go button to visit the site contains the torrent file and use it as usual.

Torrent Magnifier comes in 3 versions:

  1. Desktop search engine for all Windows OSs
  2. A gadget for Vista/7
  3. An accelerator for IE

More about Torrent Magnifier, read Desktop Torrent Search Engine Torrent Magnifier

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